2024 Agenda

Tampa Steel Conference

The Tampa Steel Conference brings together people from across both the domestic and international steel supply chains.  Our goal is to draw on industry knowledge, create lively conversations and get an idea of the challenges and opportunities ahead in the new year.  When we meet in Tampa, we'll have nearly a month of 2024 under our belts - and a starting point for what the next eleven months might hold.  It's the perfect time of year to get your finger on the pulse of the market as you hear from our keynote speakers, economists, and panellists.  We'll also leave plenty of time for networking and enjoying a warm Florida sun, including our welcome reception on Sunday, the networking reception on Monday, lunch on Tuesday plus refreshment breaks. Don't miss the popular golf tournament or the port cruise on Monday morning before the conference kicks off.


Day 1: Sunday, January 28, 2024 

2:00 pm - Registration

5:00 pm - Welcome Reception

Day 2: Monday, January 29, 2024

8:30 am (shotgun start) - 1:00 pm - Golf Tournament (golf fees required) 

9:00 am - 12:00 noon - Port Tampa Bay Harbor Tour (Free, but registration is required as space is limited.)

1:30 pm - Half-Day Beverage:  

2:00 pm - Conference Opening: Welcome and Introduction


Michael Cowden, Managing Editor, Steel Market Update

2:15 pm - Keynote Session: Still Climbing the Wall of Worry

Walter Kemmsies will guide us through current macroeconomic trends.  Discover which U.S. and major economic near-term trends will impact the patterns of global trade.  What impacts will these trends have on steel production, consumption, and trade?  How will the longer-term U.S. and global trends directly or indirectly impact the steel industry?


Walter Kemmsies, Managing Partner, The Kemmsies Group

3:15 pm - Analyst Roundtable: Steel Experts Forecast for 2024...and Beyond!


Timna Tanners, Equity Research Analyst, Metals and Mining, Wolfe Research

Josh Spoores, Prinicipal Analyst, Steel, CRU 

Alex Hacking, Head of Americas Metals & Mining, Citi


Michael Cowden, Managing Editor, Steel Market Update

4:15 pm - Afternoon Break

4:30 pm - Fireside Chat: Algoma Steel CEO Michael Garcia


Michael D. Garcia, CEO, Algoma Steel, Inc.


Michael Cowden, Managing Editor, Steel Market Update

5:15 pm - Networking Reception

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

7:00 am - All-Day Beverage: Sponsored by 

                 Continental Breakfast

8:15 am - Welcome Remarks from Port Tampa Bay, Mayor of Tampa, and Steel Market Update


Michael Cowden, Managing Editor, Steel Market Update

Raul Alfonso, Executive Vice President and Chief Commerical Officer, Port Tampa Bay

The Honorable Jane Castor, Mayor, City of Tampa

8:30 am - Keynote: Rebar, Recycling, and the Future of "Green Steel"


Dave Stickler, Chief Executive Officer, Hybar LLC


Michael Cowden, Managing Editor, Steel Market Update

9:30 am - Fireside Chat: Chuck Schmitt, President of SSAB Americas


Chuck Schmitt, President of SSAB Americas, SSAB


Michael Cowden, Managing Editor, Steel Market Update

10:15 am - Morning Break - Steel 101 Workshop Instructor Meet and Greet

10:30 am - Service Center Roundtable: How Private Companies Manage Inventories in Volatile Times

We'll examine the specific perspectives and challenges for private service centers including management of inventories, financial implications of high rates, consolidation of the supply base, and how labor issues impact the industry.


Tim Berra, CEO, Heidtman Steel

Marc Lerman, Chief Commercial Officer, Steel Warehouse


Estelle Tran, Prices Lead, CRU

11:15 am - Trade Matters: The Value of a Flexible Steel Supply Chain


Jose Gasca, Managing Director, Metrading International

Lewis Leibowitz, Trade Attorney,  The Law Offices of Lewis Leibowitz

Brion Talley, CEO/President, JFE Shoji America


Dave Schollaert, Senior Analyst, Steel Market Update

12:00 pm - Lunch: Sponsored by 


1:00 pm - Keynote Session: The Economy is an Artful Dodger

Chris Kuehl will dive into the domestic economy to pull back the curtain on how the steel industry can dodge the bullet on falling into a recession.  What factors will push or pull us into a bumpy or smooth ride for the upcoming year?  Hear an up-to-date perspective on supply chain, financing and other issues that can directly affect steel related businesses.  You'll get extended time to "ask the economist" all your burning questions and have an interactive and lively discussion with Chris.


Chris Kuehl, Managing Director, Armada Corporate Intelligence

1:45 pm - Industry Sector End User Roundtable: What's in Store for Automotive, Construction and Energy?

Join us for a deep dive into the three most impactful end users to the steel industry.  The panelists will share production forecasts for construction, energy, auto including ICE and EVs through 2030, EV investment landscape for North America, legislative policy, and the impact to R&D.


Ken Simonson, Chief Economist, Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)

Alan Amici, President & CEO, Center for Automotive Research (CAR)

Rick Preckel, Partner, Preston Pipe


Dave Schollaert, Senior Analyst, Steel Market Update

2:30 pm - Logistics Panel: Moving Steel and Raw Materials in a Riskier World


Fred Castonguay, Senior Vice President-South Atlantic, Ports America

Anton Posner, Chief Executive Officer, The Mercury Group

Jim Schaaf, Group Vice President-Metals & Construction, Norfolk Southern Corporation


Michael Cowden, Managing Editor, Steel Market Update

3:15 - Close of Conference